
Our Services

we have highly experienced professionals to meet all your Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs


You know your business. It is your life and all you work for, but do you have the financial skill set to really meet your needs? Can you afford not to? We are here to help or provide that strategy to guide your business to prosperity

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.


Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

You know your business. It is your life and all you work for, but do you have the financial skill set to really meet your needs? Can you afford not to? We are here to help or provide that strategy to guide your business to prosperity.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

cash flow plans

Cash is king. How are you managing yours? Are you getting a proper return on your investment? We can help you plan and make your cash go further.

cash flow plans

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Cash is king. How are you managing yours? Are you getting a proper return on your investment? We can help you plan and make your cash go further.

bank assistance

Need a loan? Having trouble maintaining your loan? Do you have bank covenants that could be called if you have the wrong strategy? Need capital? We can help.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

bank assistance

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Need a loan? Having trouble maintaining your loan? Do you have bank covenants that could be called if you have the wrong strategy? Need capital? We can help.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

financial statement assistance

Need a Notice to Reader or Review completed? Wonder what your financial statements are telling you? Worried you will overpay for a CPA? We are here to prepare, train or decipher Financial Statements.

financial statement assistance

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Need a Notice to Reader or Review completed? Wonder what your financial statements are telling you? Worried you will overpay for a CPA? We are here to prepare, train or decipher Financial Statements.

government audits

Audits are stressful. Whether it is a Canada Revenue Agency GST/HST audit, tax audit or payroll audit, handled incorrectly, can lead to fines and penalties. Let us help guide you through the process and protect you.

With the various audits expected from all the government programs (CERS, CEWS, etc) add us to your corner to ensure you are handled fairly and get the best result.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

government audits

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Audits are stressful. Whether it is a Canada Revenue Agency GST/HST audit, tax audit or payroll audit, handled incorrectly, can lead to fines and penalties. Let us help guide you through the process and protect you.

With the various audits expected from all the government programs (CERS, CEWS, etc) add us to your corner to ensure you are handled fairly and get the best result.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

internal audit

There are many reasons an internal audit is a service that provides value. Whether it’s fraud prevention and detection or evaluating and recommending internal controls to protect your assets, we can provide value and peace of mind with our internal audit service. We are experts in this area providing maximum value to our clients. The value of the audit guaranteed to well exceed any fees collected.

internal audit

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

There are many reasons an internal audit is a service that provides value. Whether it’s fraud prevention and detection or evaluating and recommending internal controls to protect your assets, we can provide value and peace of mind with our internal audit service. We are experts in this area providing maximum value to our clients. The value of the audit guaranteed to well exceed any fees collected.

Government Grants and Applications

Funding is always available if you know where to look for it. All levels of government have programs that could help you grow your business. We can help apply to CEWS, CERS, PPE and more! Programs can be hard to locate and administratively taxing to apply for. Whether high tech or start-up, do you know what funding is available and how to get the most for your business Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs? Let us find what you might be overlooking.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Government Grants and Applications

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Funding is always available if you know where to look for it. All levels of government have programs that could help you grow your business. We can help apply to CEWS, CERS, PPE and more! Programs can be hard to locate and administratively taxing to apply for. Whether high tech or start-up, do you know what funding is available and how to get the most for your business Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs ? Let us find what you might be overlooking.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.


Budgets are critical to business success. Do you have a financial road map? Does this road map help guide your decision making? Let us help you create or maintain a budget so you can make smart decisions and make your cash go further.


Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Budgets are critical to business success. Do you have a financial road map? Does this road map help guide your decision making? Let us help you create or maintain a budget so you can make smart decisions and make your cash go further.

Cost analysis and reduction

Looking for a bigger return on investment? Increasing revenue is not the only way to be more profitable. Let us review your costs and make Finance/Accounting/Strategy recommendations on savings to make your profits grow.

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Cost analysis and reduction

Finance/Accounting/Strategy needs at a fraction of the Big Four prices.

Looking for a bigger return on investment? Increasing revenue is not the only way to be more profitable. Let us review your costs and make Finance/Accounting/Strategy recommendations on savings to make your profits grow.

“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you!”

- Dave Ramsey

American radio host
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